Monaco di Baviera torna sulla vetta del mondo, tra performance e innovazione, con il ritorno di Performance Days il prossimo 4 e 5 ottobre. Una fiera dedicata all’eccellenza del mondo tessile, che ospita aziende di caratura internazionale e provenienti da tutto...
Munich comes again the international Capital City of Performance for the textile world, hosting Performance Days: the greatest field’s exhibition. There, from all over the world, innovative companies are coming, among whose is present Tecnofilati Srl with its...
Technology nowadays is not just only on electronic devices, but deep-in in the clothes of the sportmen, day by day more attentive in the choice of the garments. The reason why is easily explainable, as the environment and the challenge are more and more copetitive and...
Wellness and performance, hand in hand, start from a correct rest. In order to achieve it, it’s necessary to choose the right products to sleep. Today we want to make you understand this concept by taking a case history, with our client FABE, that chose Resistex...
When the environment is changing due to the season and people need to look at new garments, the choice goes to what could make them comfortable. But it’s not enough, cause the need is stricly close to find out what’s even proform against the climate. Hence...
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